[BRIGADE] Note to GOP & the Brigade

Published: Fri, 11/06/20

Note to the GOP and the Brigade
From Linda T. Muller - Pat's WebMaster
Friday - November 6, 2020

Dear Brigade,

I'm sure that you are also watching and reading all the news about the Democrats apparent attempt to steal our votes as they make a third try at a coup d'etat for President Trump. I'm astounded at how similar today's scenario is to what we all went through nearly 25 years ago.

Pat Buchanan was always well liked by the press and got along amicably with almost everyone in politics and government. But in 1995, after he announced his run for president, all that changed.  

The media, along with the establishment GOP, the Neocon War Party and the globalists abhorred Pat and his America First platform - and they detested us, his Brigade.

They were panicked. They didn't want anyone exposing the plans for their New World Order. 

Using vote fraud and fake news they stole the primary election from him beginning with the Ames Iowa straw poll, the Iowa caucus and Arizona primary.

Regardless of their efforts, Pat had massive crowds everywhere he campaigned - standing room only in large auditoriums with hundreds more outside. Candidates, Phil Graham and Bob Dole couldn't get fifty people in a room  - despite their free food and entertainment!

When Pat won the New Hampshire primary he knew the heavy hitters would come down hard on him and his campaign. That night he told his supporters, 

"All hell is gonna break loose. Don't wait for orders from headquarters -- Just ride to the sound of the guns"!

He was right.

The media and the GOP went after Pat with a vengeance. The nightly and Sunday news programs, newspapers and magazines across the country attacked him endlessly with a barrage of fake news reports and opinion pieces determined to convince Americans that Pat and his supporters were racists and anti-Semites.

Sound familiar? Yes, our enemies, both left and right, have been using the same playbook for decades.

Pat and his Brigades battled on as they came at us from all sides.

Still, we went on to lose the South Carolina primary and it was pretty much over after that.

In 2016, it was Trump who was able to carry on the work that Buchanan began in the 90's. Seeing the incredible support Trump garnered from seemingly unrelated groups of Americans from across the country, he was able to lead many in the Republican Party toward a more economic-nationalist, populist, America First political organization. 

It is also thanks to President Trump who brought all those groups [working mothers; asians; black Americans; union members; legal immigrants; college students; hispanics; white collar workers; retirees; catholics; protestants; jews; baptists; etc.] together and unite them under the New Republican Party banner which now has hundreds of thousands of new voters -- many [including me] who had previously forsaken the old GOP and Democrat parties.

Every Republican office holder owes President Trump their eternal gratitude. On November 3rd, his supporters did what he asked them to do --  vote straight GOP.

Now it's their turn to help us. Every member of the GOP - local, state and federal should immediately,  "Ride to the sound of the guns"!

We are calling for them to stand up and proclaim their full support for our President. We are fed up and disgusted with their silence as our enemies continuously vilify President Trump. They must stand with President Trump and against this latest coup d'etat. 

We shouldn't have to tell them what to do but I will anyway:

Begin writing op-eds for local papers and also find every opportunity to get in front of the cameras and microphones -- make themselves available for interviews on talk radio, podcasts, and cable news.

In addition, all state legislators should begin working together to ensure the integrity of our voting procedures. Write laws to prevent partisan bureaucrats and election administrators from changing our election rules. Put an end to mail-in ballots; voting after election day; and severely limit early voting. 

Remember, they owe their jobs to Donald J. Trump!

This is the New Republican Party. It is Trumps Party and he is the reason we are here. 

BTW, I'm sure Pat doesn't agree with all that I've written in this note. 

Thanks Brigade for letting me vent! 

As always,
For the Cause, Linda

#StopTheSteal #FoxNewsSucks #FakeElection #MAGA

PS - Fox News has betrayed us. I still watch some of the shows such as Lou Dobbs, Tucker, etc. But, when they gave Arizona to Biden after only 14% of the vote was in -- well, I just can't trust them anymore. Now I'm hooked on NewsMax. Great shows in the evening. Topics you will never see covered on Fox. I know OANN is very good as well, but I have Dish cable -- so no OANN!

If you want more to watch, check our YouTube playlist. We have some really great videos:

PPS - Let everyone know about this:
Trump Team Voter Fraud Issue Report Form
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 -- For the Cause!

Linda Muller - WebMaster for Patrick J. Buchanan
Buchanan.Org - Est. 1995


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